• Leica auxilary reproduction device leitz manual
Leica auxilary reproduction device leitz manual. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica auxilary reproduction device leitz manualleica Auxiliary Reproduction DeviceThe auxiliary reproduction device for the leica Amateurs, scientists and professionals alike can now easily take close-up photographs, repro- duce manuscripts, pages from books, illustra- tions, etc. These reproductions provide for quick and accurate reference material and even replace drawings or voluminous type- written copies. Furthermore, many photogra- phers in all fields will be delighted by the possibilities of photographing small obiects which in their richness of form and colour provide surprising beauty and an inexhau- stible photographic challenge.

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Leica auxilary reproduction device leitz manual

  • Hersteller Leica
  • Artikelnr. 2998
  • Verfügbarkeit 1
  • 4,72€

Schnellsuche Leica, auxilary, reproduction, device, leitz, manual