• Leica m1 m2 camera instructions in brief manual
Leica m1 m2 camera instructions in brief manual. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica m1 m2 camera instructions in brief manualLeica M1 M2I Shutter release button 17 Film counter A e?" 16 Rangefinder t window ‘3'7" A'vy 15 Reversing lever 52: for rewinding film if; A ' 11:3?» 14 Delayed-action self-timer (Lelca M 2)6 Extensible rewind knob 7 Viewfinder window 8 Depth-of- field scale 9 Distance scale 10 Finder frame selector (M 2) ii Aperture scale of lens

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Leica m1 m2 camera instructions in brief manual

  • Hersteller Leica
  • Artikelnr. 3021
  • Verfügbarkeit 1
  • 4,72€

Schnellsuche Leica, m1, m2, camera, instructions, in, brief, manual