• Leica r5 camera instructions user manual book
Leica r5 camera instructions user manual book. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leica r5 camera instructions user manual bookLEICA® R 5 Instructions Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbHWe wish you pleasant and successful pho- tography with your new LEICA. The follow- ing Leitz services are available to you: Leitz Information Service All questions connected with photo- graphy, projection, enlarging and binocu- lars can be answered by the Leitz agency for your region. Customer Service The Technical Service of your Leitz agency (see guarantee card) will under- take maintenance of your LEICA R5 as well as repairs in case of damage.

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Leica r5 camera instructions user manual book

  • Hersteller Leica
  • Artikelnr. 3039
  • Verfügbarkeit 1
  • 4,72€

Schnellsuche Leica, r5, camera, instructions, user, manual, book