• Leitz reflected-light interference microscope manual
Leitz reflected-light interference microscope manual. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leitz reflected-light interference microscope manualReflected Light Interference MicroscopeContents 1 . Unpacking 2. Measuring principle of the interference microscope 3. Operation 4. Choice of magnification 5. Change of magnification 5. 1 Sample objective 5.2 Reference objective 6. Photographic attachment 7. Application of the interference microscope 7. 1 General observations 7. 2 Evaluation of the interference images7. 3 Examples of applications 7.31 Evaluation of the roughness of a precision- turned aluminium surface 7.32 Evaluation of the thickness of a shouldered nickel layer on iron 7.33 Measurement of the angle of an inclined surface 7.34 Measurement of the diameter of a sphere

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Leitz reflected-light interference microscope manual

  • Hersteller Leica
  • Artikelnr. 3156
  • Verfügbarkeit 1
  • 4,72€

Schnellsuche Leitz, reflected-light, interference, microscope, manual