• Arriflex 35 bl iii 3 camera spare parts list catalogue
Arriflex 35 bl iii 3 camera spare parts list catalogue. Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Arriflex 35 bl iii 3 camera spare parts list catalogueInhaumnnzuchmh Blldtafel-Kemzlffor 1-11 Skelett 12 Rildfenster 13 Mattscheihenhalter 14 Nattscheibe 15-17 Platine 18-2n Greiferblock 21 Greifer (Positiv Perforation) 22 Spiegelblende 180“ 23 Verstellblende 24 PL Fassung Verstellblende 6 kt.-SchlUsssel 25 Objektivtrager 41 mm 26 PL-Fassung 27 RNC-Fassung 28-30 Kameragehause 31 Oichtungsblende ffir Objektiv-Trager und Abdeckplatine Contents Illustration Index 1-11 Chamera Chassis 12 Film gate 13 Ground glass holder 14 Ground glass 15-17 Mechanisn plate 18-20 Movement block l 21 Claw (positiv perforation) 22 Mirror shutter 180‘ 23 Variable shutter 24 PL mount Variable shutter Hexagonal key 25 Lens carrier 4l'mn 26 PL-lens carrier 27 BNC-lens carrier 28-30 Camera body 31 Gasket for lens carrier and cover plate Sommulre do: llluslntlons Numéro do planche 1-11 Squelette 12 Plaque canal 13 Support dépoli 14 Uépoli 15-17 Platine 18-20 Ensemble griffe 21 Griffe (perforation positive) 22 flbturateur 5 miroir 180' 23 Obturateur 5 secteur réglable 24 Ensemble porte-objectif PL Secteur réglahle Clef 5 6 pans 25 Ensemble porte-objectif allnn 25 Ensemble porte-objectif PL 27 Ensemble porte-objectif RNC 28-30 Corps 31 Joint pour porte-objectif et platine de couverture

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Arriflex 35 bl iii 3 camera spare parts list catalogue

  • Hersteller Arriflex
  • Artikelnr. 2858
  • Verfügbarkeit 1
  • 37,59€

Schnellsuche Arriflex, 35, bl, iii, 3, camera, spare, parts, list, catalogue