Leitz micro-attachment film transport housing manual . Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Leitz micro-attachment film transport housing manualMicro-attachment with
film transport housingThe micro-attachment with film transport and fine adjustment of the microscope.
housing is used in association with the so that it will be seen sharp together
phototube FS. with the graticule; only if this condition
After it has been moderately tightened is met will critical focusing be ensured
the eyecup of the focusing telescope also in the film plane.
should be parallel to the film transport A reliable control of focusing is based
housing (1) iSeeillustration). if the focus- on a slight sideways to and fro move-
ing telescOpe is in an oblique position ment of the pupil or the head during
the object area will bewronglyindicated. observation of a point of intersection in
To align the focusing telescope the the graticule and of the microscopic(\
knurled ring (8) can be released and the image. if the image is displaced relative
micro-attachment appropriately turned. to the graticule. focusing is not accurate.
To begin with, the graticule in the focus- it must be repeated until the graticule
ing telescope must be focused for each and microscopic image remain stationary
observer. Only then must the micro- relative to each other when the pupil is
scopic image be focused with the coarse being moved.
Leitz micro-attachment film transport housing manual
- Hersteller Leica
- Artikelnr. 3117
- Verfügbarkeit 1
Schnellsuche Leitz, micro-attachment, film, transport, housing, manual,