Nikon f system camera lenses accessories information . Available to purchase for immediate download. Below is an extract from the manual converted to text for a quick impression on the content. Nikon f system camera lenses accessories informationThe Camera for Creative People
Nikon offers everything serious photographers demand in 35mrr
photography-a single, all-purpose camera system which can be e
panded to take advantage of its picture-taking capabilities, from
subvisible micro-organism to outer space.
The Nikon F and its line of equipment, being constantly improv
on, comprise the most precise and versatile single system i-
photography available today. No other 35mm reflex can + 1
Nikon F for precision, versatility, optical quality, ruggedn
dependability or ease and speed of operation.
The Nikon F is the only camera which comes close to the c
ing able to picture almost any situation possible in 35mm 0 o
graphy. It is no wonder that it has been awarded the most ei
compliment a professional can pay-acceptance as a came
creative people. This is a compliment based on the fact th m r
never a standstill in the development and improvement of E
F system.
For years, the Nikon F has been proven by photographers aroun
world as the best camera to solve the most challenging problems
countered under the most demanding and critical conditions asx
as in routine work.
In the broadest sense, the Nikon F is for everyone who wishes tc
press himself and finds fulfillment through photography. It is als
the person to whom fine equipment is in itself a source of pride
Nikon f system camera lenses accessories information
- Hersteller Nikon
- Artikelnr. 3251
- Verfügbarkeit 1
Schnellsuche Nikon, f, system, camera, lenses, accessories, information,